Acts Chapter NineBy Lawrence Blair / 08/25/2024 Acts Chapter Nine Outline of Acts Chapter Nine Ac 9:1-9. Saul, going towards Damascus, is stricken down to the earth, and led blind to Damascus; Ac 9:10-17. is called to the apostleship; Ac 9:18-19. and is baptized by Ananias. Ac 9:20-22. He preaches Christ boldly. Ac 9:23-28. The Jews lay wait to kill him; Ac 9:29-30. so do the Grecians, but he escapes both. Ac 9:31-35. The church having rest, Peter heals Aeneas of the palsy; Ac 9:36-43. and restores Tabitha to life.
Matthew Chapter Two Leave a Comment / Posts, Gospels, Video/Audio, Bible Readings, Matthew / By Lawrence Blair